In the cut : film féministe ou de femmes sur le désir, le sexe. Que savez-vous du désir demande l'accroche?
In the cut : le désir passe par le sexe et le sexe nécessite d'être abordé crument, presque vulgairement.
C'est un film de femmes; Film de Jane Campion sur une histoire de Susanna Moore jouer/jouir par Meg Ryan, actrice et femme de 40 ans. Et cela peut expliquer l'attention, le soin porté au sexe (je parle de l'organe voire un objet mais de luxe). Plaisir de regarder, de ressentir; plaisir pris seul, avec l'autre et par l'autre. De montrer le peu de temps qui sépare l'orgasme de la frustration.
I can be whatever you want me to be. You want me to romance you, take you to a classy restaurant, no problem. You want me to be your best friend and fuck you treat you good, lick your pussy no problem. Ain't much I haven't done. The only thing I won't do is beat you up.
In the cut et le mythe de médusa par Sue Gillett is the author of Views from Beyond the Mirror: The Films of Jane Campion After making love to Frannie for the first time Malloy tells her the story of “the chicken lady”, an older woman who initiated him into the pleasures of a woman’s body:
She takes me into her bedroom and she’s a real woman. She’s got pubic hair from here to here, black and curly like those Spanish girls. And I want to get the fuck out there so she grabs me and says, ‘you ever kissed a girl down there?’ I says ‘no’. So she wets her fingers, she touches herself real soft, touches her clit, tells me to lick there, tells me to put my tongue there, take my time, lick in a slow circle, and after a while she came.
In Malloy’s telling of this story, visually authenticated as it is by his oral enjoyment of Frannie’s “pussy”, he proves himself to be a man who is not afraid of the Medusa, who does not need to see her flowing tresses as so many penis substitutes reassuring him in the face of the abyss of a woman’s “hole”. Malloy has been invited to part a woman’s hair and explore the complex flesh that it surrounds, (much as Frannie sees the sadness in her sister’s face hiding beneath her messy hair). On another occasion Malloy uses his voice through the telephone to guide Frannie’s hand into the wetness of her “pussy”, to make her clit “jump into [her] hand”. That Malloy is able to itemise the various corporeal elements of a woman’s body, that he can speak the words of her body and pleasure, distinguishes him from the classic cast of male heroes, the legion of Perseuses, who see nothing in a woman except their own castrated reflections. After Pauline’s murder Malloy is able to describe in detail the components of flesh, bone, sinew and muscle which the killer’s knives had to carve through in the difficult effort to severe head from neck. He knows that more than a single swipe was needed. He knows about bodies; much more than any death-dealing, romantic hero imagines.
La critique d'Elholmy Meg Ryan plays Frannie, a cynical teacher of English, still sexy but beginning to approach the end of her prime as an object of desire. No longer an inexperienced young woman, she has evolved into an apparently confident and attractive woman in her forties. Frannie is single and appears to be highly-sexed, though for reasons unexplored she has been bottling this up and has not had enough satisfying experiences in some time, if ever. She comes across as both sexually voracious and curiously naïve, and consequently seems ripe for some form of erotic awakening.
Mulvey states that one of the methods for the male unconscious to escape castration anxiety is the "preoccupation with the re-enactment of the original trauma (investigating the woman, demystifying her mystery), counterbalanced by the devaluation, punishment or saving of the guilty object." It is telling then that Malloy learned the art of cunalingus from an older woman when he was young. Having already "investigated the woman, demystifying her mystery," Malloy feels no threat and no unpleasure at the sight/site of female genitalia. Further proof of his lack of anxiety comes from the way he handles the phallic symbol that is his gun. In his first sexual encounter with Frannie, Campion makes distinct a cut to a shot of Malloy's hand as he places his gun on her dresser, disarming himself both literally and in terms of a need for sexual dominance. It's a form of self-castration, and he does it willingly. Much as the "chicken lady" taught Malloy about the clitoris, the vagina, and how to induce female pleasure, Malloy eventually teaches Frannie how to fire his gun or, in psychoanalytic terms, how to handle the phallus. It is this lesson in weaponry that will allow her to save herself from the killer—the film's true castrated man whose actions have continually threatened to seize control of the film's meaning—at the film's climax.
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